The perks of staying in a South Lake Tahoe vacation rental are pretty limitless. After all, you have all the amenities of home at your fingertips and simply have to pack up your suitcase when you leave. A full size kitchen with pots, pans and silverware allow you to cook from your vacation rental in South Lake Tahoe, which makes saving on the food budget a breeze. Not to mention more bonding time as a group. There are also usually multiple bathrooms, bedrooms, extra linens & towels, your own parking, laundry, and a family room to spread out comfortably while relaxing after a long day of playing. When you choose South Lake Tahoe vacation rentals over hotels, all of your needs are pretty much taken care of immediately. While the best vacation homes in South Lake Tahoe take care of the essentials for you, some items are not guaranteed to be there.
If you need a little extra noise to help you sleep, whether it is a mini fan or a noise maker, pack it. This is an item not guaranteed to be at vacation homes in South Lake Tahoe. If you don’t have a lot of room for extra stuff, rest assured, there are countless apps for white noise on smart phones. If noise is not the issue and you need complete darkness, don’t forget your eye mask.
If you are bringing several electronics, pack a multi-port charging hub. Sometimes, the sack containing electronics like portable printers etc. that you might have brought from places like would bulge the rucksack at the seams, in which instance, a bigger luggage is required. This keeps you from rooting around vacation homes in South Lake Tahoe in search of outlets to charge your various electronics. This is even better if you plan on working remotely. You can set everything up and charge in one convenient location nearby.
A waterproof speaker is a great extra item that is easy to pack and can let you control your surrounding noise. You will obviously want to be respectful of your neighbors, but these are great to bring to the beach, on a hike or even if you want to get in a quick at home workout.
Most South Lake Tahoe vacation rentals have toiletries and beauty items on hand. However, there is nothing worse than showing up and realizing that what is available either won’t work for you and your crew’s needs OR the items are almost out. Which is rare when a management company is handling the South Lake Tahoe vacation rental, but during busy summer months, could happen. It is best to be on the safe side and pack your fave items in travel containers and not have to worry about running to the grocery store last second.
If you have a baby, toddler or young kids that will be staying in the South Lake Tahoe vacation rental, find out what items are there so you know what items to bring. For example, if there are stairs, you may need a baby gate. If it is not child proof, you may want to bring extra electrical outlet covers. If there is a certain soother your baby needs like a swing or bouncer, find out if they happen to have something that could work on site or if you need to pack your own. Also find out what games, toys and entertainment options are available so you know what to pack and what to leave.
When it comes to booking vacation rentals in South Lake Tahoe, let management know if there are any specific needs ahead of time. They may be able to accommodate or suggest another comparable property that is better suited. Have questions? Give us a call. We would be happy to help!
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