This has been an amazing week for weather at South Lake Tahoe! As a 30 year local of the Tahoe basin this may be the longest period of Thunderstorm activity that I can remember. This kind of activity usually occurs later in the summer during the southwest Monsoon season and even then the Lake Tahoe region rarely sees days let alone weeks of thunderstorm activity. That being said the upside to all of the moisture are numerous”
1) The fire season has been postponed even with all of the lightning-too wet as of now
2) The spring runoff has been enhanced by the extra precipitation
3) Fabulous gardening season will follow
4) The wildflowers in the high country will be outrageous and could start early and last very late
5) I like the rain….speaking as an Oregon Duck alumnus!
Love the positive take on the weather. I am in from the bay for the weekend, lived in SLT for a few years, and never saw rain like this. The area really benefits from a little “bath” in the summer. Hope this means a epic winter is in the works.
Whats up with all the dead trees along the side of the 50, 28, 89, pioneer trail? They have been getting abused by snow removal equipment for ever, so why go now?