As a growing company Pinnacle Lake Tahoe Getaways has realized a few new things that we are implementing into our rental program. One of the biggest issues we have dealt with is garbage removal. With most of the unit’s garbage days midweek and most guest departures on Sunday there have been many occasions where the garbage will have to sit in the garage or on the side of the house exposed to our wildlife. The best solution to this problem is to install bear boxes at all of our rental units without a proper refuse system. This will eliminate trips to the dump (which add up in cost over time) keep our animals out of the trash safe and alive, and add value and functionality to the home… win-win for all parties. Another thing we are implementing is the addition of a land line phone in each of the units. This is not meant for guests to chat on simply so they have the ability to call 911 in the event of an emergency. Currently AT&T has local unlimited calling for only $10.69 a month, there is no need to get long distance service as we only want to have the landline in case of an emergency. Another feature we would like to execute in all of the rentals is a temperature sensitive alarm which will notify us directly when the temperature of the home falls below or rises above a certain temperature. This will give us a jump on any of the hundreds of possible problems that could go on with your homes not to mention let us know if guests arrive early or stay late. These alarms will allow us to keep a better eye on your property and remedy problems when they begin, not when they are discovered. We are just trying to keep our guests and homeowners happy and these procedures will help us continue to offer great service and top notch property management for years to come.
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